
Look for Growth in Little Ways


Hey World!

So I haven’t published a blog in about three weeks and it was starting to get me down! Which is silly because it is completely within my control to write and publish or not write and not publish. Truth be told, I always have about 3 blogs in draft form with about 6 to 10 more back up ideas churning about in this brain of mine! Lord knows, I have plenty of material yet it is always the out of the blue, sideways moments that end up getting written about and published! True to form, this blog is no different!

I think like most educators around this time of year, we are busy getting the business of education handled, we have lots of nearly end of the year processes, wrapping up loose ends and getting seniors prepared to cross a stage. With one very important senior in our own household, so we’ve had invitations to order, lists upon lists to make, senior prom whirlwinds, graduation parties to plan, final college acceptances, declines, last minute college offers to mull over, letters of intent, etc, etc, etc. Not to mention just the general daily household, keep up-up keep, practices, tournaments, etc, etc, etc! All of which I should be writing about but instead am simply immersing myself fully, to remain centered in my awareness of the moments because it is ticking away…and quickly!

Yet even as I stayed centered and focused on each of those moments, in the back of my mind a little voice kept whispering to me to get back to my blog. It would say things to me like,

  • you can’t abandon your blog!
  • you have created this and it is like a baby.
  • it must be cared for!
  • a blog is for writers and readers,
  • if you aren’t actually writing what are you doing and what will people read?

and worst of all,

  • statistics show that the majority of blogs are given up withing the first nine months of creation.

Well, that just isn’t me…and especially not about this. Not after all the work I have done for the last four years building Hopeservations via social medias. I mean have you ever googled “Hopeservations”…there is a lot of stuff out there that I have written about over the years or created! I continued to remind myself…just be patient, you are staying centered in your moments with your family and this will come in starts and stops and maybe even back around multiple times over.

So while many of my blogger baby steps since January came to a nearly screeching halt this last three weeks after all the published blogs, branding my Hopeservations, posting them to my social media’s, promoting and doing what all good bloggers supposedly do. Here I am, chugging along in my active state of non-blogging, when quite incidentally, I began to see growth. What, what??? One place this was evident was on my Pinterest page! Seems you don’t need loads of “followers” to get the views, readership or “Pins”! Although, I am still working on that increasing my “following” thing too! Yet, this is still good to know as I continue to build my blog. I feel like the 29,000 monthly views on my Pinterest page is certainly a step in the right direction of building Hopeservations. Who knew that even in a state of inactivity…I was actually still moving forward!

I suppose even as I felt I wasn’t maximizing my creative abilities, in actuality I needed to trust I was still being guided and supported by divine design because I do not need to know every step of the way what is going to unfold ahead of time. I need to continue my age old practice of proceeding with confidence and clarity and simply trust that I can look for new growth in little ways!

“So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Still not sure what Hopeservations is, follow the link in any of my bio’s and check it out or simply google “Hopeservations” and follow me on any of my social medias and be an email subscriber to my blog!

As always…

Go in love,


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