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    Don’t Call it a Dream, Call it a GOAL!

    “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” – Pope John XXIII Hey y’all! Hope here, with a question and a little hopeservation about our kids, sports and being their parent… So I just returned from our annual summer vacation, and jumped right back into the summer swing of life with none other then? You guessed it… VOLLEYBALL!!!   When it got me to thinking, do you remember what you did two years ago today? Turns out,…

  • Blog,  Hopeservations

    Relax, Renew, Repeat

    Some teacher’s count down the last few days of school, some even count from the beginning of the year. It’s cool, to each their own yet I have never been a counter. It’s not in me. Honestly, it’s mostly because I lose track of time. I’m kinda dingy like that. Furthermore what we do, we do with a servant’s heart. You truly do have to be passionate about giving and being of service to others to belong to this tribe of people. On the occasion I drive home in tears and think, “that’s it, I just can’t do this anymore,” something speaks to me and always brings my heart back…