• Hopeservations

    Love Is An Action

    Hey y’all… It’s me Hope. I’m coming with a real quick heartfelt intentions about the most universal of all topics – LOVE! It’s short, sweet and to the POINT. Here goes… Always choose love. Love is an action, not just an emotion. Love is not meant to be passive. There is a reason I say “Go in love.” It is because “to GO” is a verb, an action word. When you GO in love you are going in to the world to actively love one another. Love is an ACTIVE gift that each human shares! When we make the decision to think, feel and ACT lovingly, the love between us…

  • Hopeservations

    Happy Birthday Hopeservations!

    Hey lovely readers!!! It’s me, Hope… Happy New Years and Happy Birthday to Hopeservations! It’s hard to believe I’ve kept my little blog going for TWO years now! I can’t call it a “baby” blog any longer as it’s officially become a TODDLER! Statistics say most bloggers abandon their blogs in the first nine months. Welp, we made it past that hurdle for sure! We are alive and kicking…and sometimes we kick forward and sometimes we kick back. As in some time, we are full steam ahead and other times, we put our feet up and productivity goes on hiatus! Being that I’m all about looking for the patterns with…

  • Hopeservations

    Keep Showing Up!

    Hey y’all! Hope here and I know, I know…it has been a minute!!! I haven’t actively posted to my blog in over a month, which is a huge slow down for me. Not going to lie, I’ve had a LOT going on in life centered around CHANGE! Change with my career, a whole new team of people surrounding me at work and the innovative vibe that comes with that, some new roles, celebrating my kids and their academics, while balancing their extra curricular demands, and so much more. Everything is all very exciting, positive and unfolding as it is meant to, but certainly it is requiring the majority of my…

  • Hopeservations

    Dear Loved Ones!

    “There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” — Ralph H. Blum Hi y’all, it’s me, Hope and I have to send out a little Hopeservations message of thanks to all my loved ones and the Universe! Here it is July 25th and the birthday wishes, comments, emails, direct messages, texts, calls, cards and LOVE keep coming my way! Just yesterday I received a dear gift because some Bunny loves me very much! It was a writing journal with personalized scripture on each page. Since last Thursday night, I have been delightfully spoiled with these little surprises! Each gift has been a token from the…

  • Hopeservations

    Love, One Choice at a Time!

    Hey y’all…Hope here with another one of my Hopeservations and this one is straight from the HEART… As of July 15, 2019, I am officially 23 days from the start of my 26th year in education. WOW! As I write 26 years, it seems hard for me to believe. And yet, these 23 days are 23 days before I get back to one of my GREATEST passions and I thought about this quote that I posted to my Instagram a few years ago “You never lose by loving, you always lose by holding back.” – Barbara DeAngelis As children, we typically love unconditionally but somewhere along the way, as we age…

  • Hopeservations

    I’ve Got Beach Sand Stuck In My Soul

      Hi y’all – Hope here with another one of my Hopeservations! “I’ve got beach sand stuck in my soul.” This thought actually occurred to me a couple months ago when I ran across a meme that said, “Excuse me! Why aren’t you at the beach?” It was a cute little picture of a seagull with his head cocked inquisitively to the side and I thought to myself, this is a very good question because just so happens, I have been asking myself this quite a bit lately… “Why is the beach girl, who’s got beach sand stuck in her soul…NOT at the beach?!?” I am always so good about my…

  • Hopeservations

    Gratitude From a Southern Latitude

    “Cultivate the habit of being grateful.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Hey y’all, Hope here…another day & another Hopeservation, only this one is about a topic that I hold very near and dear to my heart and I would be so grateful if you take the time to read and consider it. In fact, this Hopeservation is about the vital importance of just that…GRATITUDE. So I first wrote a piece about gratitude back in January 2018, not because it was the first time I had ever thought about it or even written about it! Heck, I often post lists of things I am grateful for on my social media’s! Yet, I…

  • Hopeservations

    Then & Now

    “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” meaning, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr It’s so true, as much as life marches on in change, somethings stay the same. You catch little glimpses of it in your routine. Daily habits, patterns, the comfort zones we re-create or fall into time and again. Some are as simple as the way we wave, some we are aware of and makes us happy, and some run far deeper and rule our lives even as we are blind to the subconscious manner in which we are driven or make those choices. Sometimes it is something…

  • Hopeservations

    What Is In A Name?

    “There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.” – Bernard Williams Hello gorgeous soul! This particular blog is a bit near and dear to my heart, as it is about a name…and not just any name – but my name. HOPE. When I was a young girl, I was frustrated with my name Hope because I couldn’t ever find it pre-printed on any little bicycle name plates, key chains or other such novelty items. It was an uncommon name through the 70’s and 80’s and I routinely found myself having to politely repeat, “yes, my name is Hope…yes, like the word hope…yes, H.O.P.E.” I knew…