• Blog

    Don’t Call it a Dream, Call it a GOAL!

    “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” – Pope John XXIII Hey y’all! Hope here, with a question and a little hopeservation about our kids, sports and being their parent… So I just returned from our annual summer vacation, and jumped right back into the summer swing of life with none other then? You guessed it… VOLLEYBALL!!!   When it got me to thinking, do you remember what you did two years ago today? Turns out,…

  • Hopeservations

    Hopeservations & Pura Vida Volleyball Come Together

    “WELCOME TO THE TEAM!” Who doesn’t love a welcome like that when you get your first fun package of GOODIES from an amazing company? In this case, the company happens to be PURA VIDA VOLLEYBALL! So…I’m super excited to announce that I have the opportunity to represent Pura Vida Volleyball as a brand ambassador! Some of you may wonder what that means exactly?! Well…we know I’m a volleyball mom who already loved and bought Pura Vida Volleyball products for myself and the girls (on the regular) and shared the love of those products with others! Only now, I will continue to share that amazing love on my social media’s in…